It isn’t often that I agree with the direction the International Judo Federation (IJF) is taking Judo, especially with the rule changes recently announced. However, I must give kudos to IJF president Marius Vizer for his next project, which is being called the World Championships for Small Countries, whose populations are less than 1.5 million. I think this is a fantastic idea that will help Judo grow in the 48 countries that are current IJF members with fewer than 1.5 million inhabitants. It may also encourage other small countries to begin implementing Judo programs. Continue reading
The IJF’s Assault on Coaches
Months ago, the IJF decreed that because coaches were making a “spectacle” of themselves (by yelling at referees when they screwed up) they would be banned from matside coaching. They have thankfully revisited that decision. Now, instead of being shuffled off to some holding pen away from the mat, coaches are once again being allowed to sit matside, albeit behind the barrier of advertising panels. Continue reading
PJC Fees
I just noticed that Pan American Judo Confederation (PJC) fees will be charged at the 2009 U.S. Open in San Jose. The PJC, through a coup d’etat supported by the IJF, is replacing the PJU as the ruling body for the Americas. Competitors get to donate $20, while coaches, referees, and officials are stuck with $30. This is being done this year because the Open is “an official sanctioned PJC circuit event.” I suspect that we are once again trying to improve attendance at the Open, but in the past, being on the official PJU circuit did next to nothing to improve attendance. My guess is that it won’t do a darn thing for us this year. I hope I am utterly wrong though. Continue reading
Oh, Boy!!!
I’m known for not suffering fools and telling it like it is. What better forum for my opinions than my own Blog? It’s probably going to be a fun ride for me. If you’re coming on board, make sure you’ve got your seat belt attached real tight. Flak jacket and helmet might also be useful. So let’s get started… Continue reading