Oh, Boy!!!

I’m known for not suffering fools and telling it like it is. What better forum for my opinions than my own Blog? It’s probably going to be a fun ride for me. If you’re coming on board, make sure you’ve got your seat belt attached real tight. Flak jacket and helmet might also be useful. So let’s get started…

On Sunday, August 9, we attended the Baja California 2009 tournament at the Olympic Training Center in Tijuana with six players and one referee. Besides one other American player and two other referees from Los Angeles, that was the only support from the United States. Meanwhile just weeks ago, dozens of players showed up from Mexico to compete in our State Championships, State Games and USJA Junior Nationals. Somehow that little mantra we keep repeating- you know the one that says something about mutual benefit and welfare- doesn’t seem to come into play when Mexico holds events. I know, you hear about all the drug killings and the Swine flu, and that scares people to death. Funny how the Los Angeles crime rate doesn’t deter people from attending L.A. tournaments.

Olympic Training Center (CAR) in Tijuana, Mexico

Olympic Training Center (CAR) in Tijuana, Mexico

I’ve worked with the Mexican clubs for years, attending almost all of their events. And in return, they attend all my events. That’s mutual benefit and welfare. I know they don’t expect hordes of Southern California people to attend, but without my club’s participation, there would almost be no American presence. This is not good for our sport.

I’m sure you’ve noticed diminishing participation in almost all U.S. tournaments. Maybe it’s time to revisit the true meaning of mutual benefit and welfare. By the way, there are some great players in Mexico who are stuck there because they can’t cross the border. By going into Mexico, their players will make our players better, and vice versa. That’s mutual benefit and welfare.

Entrance to the Centro de Alto Rendimiento (CAR), Olympic Training Center, Tijuana, Mexico

Entrance to the Centro de Alto Rendimiento (CAR), Olympic Training Center, Tijuana, Mexico

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