I recently purchased from Fighting Films Shinjido: Evolution and Innovation by former British champion Danny Da Costa. With a background in Judo, aikido and boxing, Da Costa’s Shinjido, or “new style way,” offers some interesting concepts and principles that can only enhance one’s understanding and performance of Judo.
Background Checks
With great fanfare, the Amateur Athletic Union recently announced that it was implementing “historic child protection measures to ensure the safety of youth athletes.” Among the measures; background checks. Our national Judo organizations have had mandatory background checks for coaches for years. Sadly, routine background checks every four years have not stopped inappropriate, sexual behavior between underaged children and their coaches.
Fighting Complacency
I know. It’s been over a month since my last post. It hasn’t been because I didn’t have anything to write about. On the contrary. Reality is that other club projects have kept me away from my keyboard. I finally have some breathing room, so here we go again.
A long talk with my daughter yesterday is prompting me to talk about a situation all coaches encounter: how to handle complacency, poor work ethic and sloppy Judo that our kids exhibit from time to time. Continue reading
When Helping Actually Undermines
From time to time, I have fathers with little or no Judo background who insert themselves into their child’s Judo training. They’re well-meaning, perhaps a bit overly-involved in their child’s sport experience, and usually create problems for the coaching staff and by extension the child they seek to help. This problem is not unique to Judo. It’s pervasive anytime sports and fathers come together.
Sell the Educational Benefits!
I just finished my cardio workout, which as usual consisted of riding my mountain bike around my neighborhood, and in particular through one of our community sports parks with baseball fields. Observing baseball kids in inactivity for 95% of the time they’re on the field has encouraged me to say that we in Judo are missing the boat on the powers of our sport, especially when it comes to physical education benefits.
40 Years and Counting
I’ve been absent for the last three weeks for a good reason. Last weekend, I celebrated my club’s 40th anniversary, and by extension my 40 years as a Judo coach. We held a bash at our club for the occasion. Past and present members showed up for a great reunion that featured a nostalgic slideshow, empowering speeches, renewed friendships, and lots of food.