Where’s the Tai Sabaki?

I’ve known this for many years, but it really hit me hard during the Winter Nationals Coach Education Course as I watched coaches running through Kelly’s Capers: we lack a basic understanding of tai sabaki (body movement) and the ability to perform it fluidly. When I say we, I mean coaches. Since coaches are supposed to be role models for their students, this presents a problem that needs to be addressed. If coaches can’t do proper tai sabaki or have no knowledge of it, how are their students supposed to learn these skills?

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2010 Tokyo Grand Slam

This year’s Tokyo Grand Slam was held in the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, which is right next to the 1964 Olympic stadium. Half as many countries participated in this event as did in the 2010 World Championships in Tokyo just three months prior. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that, as the host nation, Japan could enter four players per division.

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